
Clothing stores

The #1 Customer Messaging platform for businesses

All channels in one inbox

Connect all your customer support channels like Email, Live chat or Facebook Messenger into one inbox.

Automated conversations

A chatbot answers most of your customer support questions.

Seamless human handover

Easily taking over conversations and answering the customer in case the chatbot doesn’t understand.

Multiple languages

Our chatbot speaks and helps your customers in multiple languages.

Customer profiling

Build rich profiles and easily merge multiple communication channels from the same, single customer.

Works out of the box

Easy to set up, within 5 minutes. No coding required or complicated flow builders to work with.

Customer centric brands love us

Olivia's review about Table Duck, the customer communication platform

The easy-to-use automation really saves me time so I can spend more time on growing my business.

Olivia, has a coffee place
Patrick's review about Table Duck, the customer communication platform

It can be challenging to scale customer support, but with Table Duck we can deliver great experiences to our customers.

Patrick, owns two fashion stores
Liam's review about Table Duck, the customer communication platform

It helps me to organize customer inquiries.

Liam, runs a car dealership
Jennifer's review about Table Duck, the customer communication platform
We’ve saved time by 45% with this.
Jennifer, runs an eCommerce store
SaaS owner using live chat on website
Great tool to connect and manage all my incoming messages. It really helps to get organized.
Noah, runs a successful scale up
Real estate agent using chatbot
Super simple to set up. It only took me a few minutes to automate the most common questions I get.
Jean-Luc, has a real estate agency
Customer service agent
I can easily see the conversation history of a customer in one place.
Isabelle, customer service employee at a shoe brand
webshop owner using live chat and chatbot
Big time saver for me.
Lesley, runs a successful webshop in handmade jewelry

Delight your customers today

Free 14-day trial Easy setup No credit card required