How to set up Telegram
To set up a new Telegram account, first follow the steps below to create a Telegram bot:
- Step 1: Go to the Botfather in Telegram, this is a Telegram channel to create a new Bot account. Please do this step on your mobile while having the Telegram app installed.
- Step 2: Create a new bot with /newbot.
- Step 3: Create a name for the bot. E.g. the name of your company.
- Step 4: Create a username for the bot. The username should be available and should end with “bot” Like “Table Duck bot”. Spaces in between words are not allowed. Use a “_” instead. Try and see if the name of your company is still available.
- Step 5: Congratulations, you have now created a Telegram bot, copy the HTTP API access token.
- Step 6: Go to your Table Duck account, go to Channels, press Add channel and select Telegram. Here you can paste the HTTP API access token.